【兩星期快閃優惠 由你選擇 2 Week Special Mask Color. The Choice is YOURS.】
口罩顏色有得揀 Most Wanted Color of Masks
World Wisdom近月都有推出指定口罩顏色款嘅兩星期快閃8折優惠, 每期都會做唔同嘅顏色, 真係好抵㗎~! Recently, we have launched two week special promotions (20% OFF on specified color masks).
*7月份兩星期快閃8折優惠: 深紅色 July 2 Week Special 20% OFF
為咗同大家有多啲互動, 由8月開始, 兩星期快閃8折優惠嘅指定口罩顏色將會由你選擇! 我哋會喺每期優惠之前於Instagram Story舉行投票活動, 俾兩種顏色大家二選一, 24小時後截止投票, 票數最高嘅顏色將會當選為下期兩星期快閃8折優惠嘅指定口罩顏色。大家到時記住留意我哋嘅社交平台, 投票俾你鍾意嘅顏色啦~❤️ Starting from August, the color of the masks for the two week special will be of your choice! We will carry out a poll on Instagram before each two week special promotion. You can choose your favourite mask color between the two colors provided. The color with the most votes will be the next two week special mask color. Please stay tuned to our social media platforms to vote for your favourite color.❤️
**8月份兩星期快閃8折優惠投票活動 [Poll] August 2 Week Special 20% OFF